Core Modules
- Student Enquiry Registration
- Student Enquiry Details
- Follow-ups made regarding Enquiry Registration

- Online Application Form
- Eligibility Analysis
- Document Verification
- Creation of Selected/Rejected list of students
- Provision for Entrance Examination
- SMS/email Notifications
- Student Admission Registration
- Online payment of College Fee
Department Management
- Department / Batch / Semester / Class Construction (The complete details of the department such as date of establishment, Accomplishments etc. with Drag and Drop Interface).
- Subject Master
- Subject Regulations and Policy
- Subjects Pre-filling for Each semesters
- Subject Master Report(Manages the complete details of course offered in a School/college/university)

ID Card with Barcode
- Provision to generate Student ID card
- Provision to generate Employee ID card
Fee Module
- Fee Type / Mode Creation
- Bank Account Mapping
- Fee transaction
- Online payment
- Challan Generation
- Discount Processing
- Refund Processing
- Scholarship Accounting
- SMS/ Mail Intimation to parents upon fee payment
- Fee Segregation Report for Bankers settlement
- Customized Fee Reports